Yikes! I did it again. I missed another day in the Halloween countdown. (I know, you probably didn't even notice.)
It's not even like I was super busy.
I finished off a manuscript the other day, and whenever I type "the end", I get emotional. Lots of writers I know do a happy dance, one even does back flips. Not me. I kind of go through a grieving process. I bringe eat, binge watch TV, and lie around in my jammies. One time, I even cried. Productive, I know.
Yesterday, for instance, I spent the day re-watching American Horror Story season one in preparation for season 2, Asylum, which starts...OCTOBER 17! 12 episodes equates to a lot of Diet Coke, popcorn, and sloth time - followed by sleep.
But truth be told, it's time to move on to the next project and I could use a little pick me up, so I'm devoting today's Halloween countdown post to a couple of seasonal funnies that have been making their rounds on the Internet. Hope they make you smile.
Your turn! Hit me with your lamest Halloween joke or a e-mail a funny comic to me - please!
Only 19 sleeps until Halloween! Now THAT is something to smile about.
- Dawn
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