Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One day at a time

Posted by Dawn Dalton on 7:40 AM

I'm a HUGE Kiefer Sutherland fan.

I loved him as a vampire in Lost Boys, and thought he was perfect as Jack Bauer in all eight seasons of 24. When the final episode aired, I cried. Yeah, my husband still laughs about that, too.

But Kiefer is coming back to the small screen this week (one more sleep) in what looks to be an amazing series called Touch. I wasn't sure I'd like a toned-down, less angry Kiefer Sutherland - until I saw this preview:

Holy cow this show looks good. Plus, it's Kiefer.

I learned a lot about writing while watching 24. For me, it was the first show to shock me with its random plot twists. The "wrong" people were killed, the most unassuming people were bad. Jack's lovers were murdered (and not by me.) My mouth was constantly agape.

It was actually during the first season of 24 that I decided I wanted to write adult thriller (in addition to my YA stuff) - and Kiefer inadvertently taught me how to write my first kill. I know, morbid.

But this year, I'm using my eight seasons of 24 (yes, I own them all, thanks to my awesome mother-in-law) for a different purpose.

Kiefer is going to help me reach my weight loss goal. No, really. I've contracted him as my personal trainer.

Sort of.

There are 24 episodes per season of 24, which equals 192 40-minute segments of time I could be...working out.

Sometimes I need a good challenge to keep me motivated. Last year I read a dismal handful of books, so I reinstated my 100 Books in 2012 challenge with my friend, Karen. Our progress is tracked on our blogs.

The challenge works for me. So, I figured another challenge would be equally as motivating, if not more. Since it's Kiefer and all. My plan is to to spend 40 minutes on my elliptical every day for 192 days.

Surely you can see the benefits. Not only will I be "active" for 40 minutes (and hopefully shedding some pounds), I'll get a daily dose of Kiefer, and the show will serve as reminder for all of those plot twists and character arcs that impressed the writer in me. Huzzah!

I'm on day 3. So far, so good...

- Dawn


I am definitely going to see that show!

It looks a really good series. You have got a good method to keep motivated!

Hi Dawn. Just stopping by to follow as an A to Z co-host. Nice to meet you!

WHISPERING: No longer on air, but well worth the 8-season DVD investment!

GLYNIS: It IS an awesome series, but I do have a Kiefer addiction. His new show TOUCH is extraordinary. Not the same pulse-raising action, but amazing storyline and great cast.

MATT: Thanks! You're very familiar with the "other" me :-)

Stopping by as I saw your name on the AtoZ blog list. Looks like a fun blog here.

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